An alternative to ordinary day care is the Coop Preschool in Cleveland Heights. The coop is operated collectively by all the parents, through monthly meetings for administration and for sharing concerns about the kids. A parent from each family spends 31⁄2 hours per week working with the children, resulting in full parent involvement as well as costs much lower than ordinary day care. Equal participation by both parents is encouraged, and most families share the involvement as much as possible. A teacher is also present for most of the day to lend continuity to the children's experience.
Children at Coop Preschool are allowed to be children, encouraged to be themselves, creating their own play/work from the possibilities available. Active group play is made possible by having enough space for many more than the 15-child enrollment. Adults are there to help kids when asked, to mediate quarrels and otherwise help kids learn to get along together, and to insist on an appropriate level of responsibility about material things. They also provide some structure to the day by planning projects, announcing lunch/story/ rest/snack/outside-play times, and arranging frequent field trips. A kindergarten-level program is avilable for kids who are inter ested, so that the Coop is an alternative to kindergarten.
Coop Preschool has openings in June and September for children ages 3% to 5. Hours are 8:30 to 5:30, five days per week. It is located on Euclid Heights Blvd. at Derbyshire. For more information call 721-0434 days, or 321-2708 evenings.
"Vietnam is one country, the Vietnamese people are one people. Rivers may dry up, mountains may be eroded, but this truth will not change."
-Hồ Chí Minh
Well hush my mouth
It is your constitutional right to be silent.
If you are approached by an agent, ask to see identification. Take your time -write down names and numbers. If they have a car, note kind and license plate number. Later, you may want to give this information to a lawyer.
Do not sign anything an agent hands you without consulting a lawyer. You may be told it is a statement of your rights, but in fact it may say you are giving up your * rights.
Do not make false statements. Your right is to remain silent. You do not have to answer any questions or identify anyone, including yourself, and you do not have to
The Ohio NOW Conference on Sexuality and Lesbianism held Saturday, May I, in Bowling Green ranks as one of the most significant events in gay rights this year. It demonstrated the togetherness of the feminist and gay movements as members of both groups came together to discuss common problems and solutions. An audience of 150, about evenly split between gay activists and feminists, listened to a keynote address by Sidney Abbott, author of Sappho Was
A Right On Woman. Sidney discussed the political ramifications of feminist-gay unity and stressed the mutuality of our struggle. Nath Rockhill, National Coordinator of the National Gay Task Force, spoke next about the past effectiveness of gay political action, especially writing to legislators.
The rest of the day was spent in workshops, one of which was the Psychology of Women: Psychotherapy. Some significant points were made: "tomboyism" is the norm for pre-teenage girls; females begin sexist behavior in adolescence; and the "normal female" is an immature "adult". whereas a "liberated female" is a deviant female (you just can't win!).
One of the highlights of the Conference was
sign anything. Unless agents have a search warrant, you do not have to let them enter. your home or your car. If they have a warrant, look at it carefully, If it appears valid, let them enter.
Unless you are placed under arrest, you do not have to go with them. Ask if you are free to go; don't assume you've been arrested,
If you want to give information, you have the right to choose the time, place, and manner, and to have whomever you want there with you. You can insist upon written questions (to give you time to think them over). If you answer, it is best to do so in writing, retaining a copy.
the Seminar on Women and Sexuality. This seminar got into some really heavy stuff: role playing among gays, the importance of sex to women, feminist love vs. the martyr syndrome, love and/or sex, coming out, and the relationship between friends and lovers.
The conference provided straight feminists with an ideal opportunity to meet gay women on an individual basis to understand their differences and share their similarities. Most straight feminists have a great deal of "book knowledge" about gay women, but book knowledge is insufficient for a real understanding of the issue. That is not to 'say that everyone at the conference got her head together. But the conference brought a lot of straight feminists closer to meriting the Ohio NOW title of a "cheerful" woman a straight woman who recognizes gay women as sisters first.
You can make a recording of anything that is said. You may want to have a lawyer present to explain legal points about questions and answers.
You may be asked simple and harmless questions which it seems silly not to answer. But once you start talking, it is hard to stop. Do not fall into being made to feel guilty for refusing to answer with readily available information.
If threats or bribes are made, write down the precise wording for possible future action. It is not a crime to remain silent whether or not you have information they want.
If agents tell you they are making a regular check on an applicant for a federal job, it is a good idea to check with the person they are asking about before you answer. If you answer some questions, it could create difficulty for the person should you choose not to answer other questions -about her/his political, sexual, or religious beliefs or actions.
Agents sometimes pose as reporters (ask to see a press card) or other persons usually "respected".
Even if you feel you have "nothing to hide," innocent bits of information pieced together. Others could get hurt can be in the process.
Don't think you can out-psych the agents by trying to find out what they are after. Beating them at their own game is very difficult, and they may be looking for something quite different from what they ask about directly.
They may lead you to think you are just confirming what they already know. They may, however, be guessing or testing unreliable information. Even if they do know it, you might be providing a legal source they could use in court.
page 1/What She Wants/June, 1975